
Friday, October 11, 2013

Things I Touch

I don't remember much about my run yesterday. That is, as I reflect on it, most of what I remember was that I was listening to Robbie Seay and testing out a new App called Strava that tracks my stats live through my new iPhone. Until yesterday, running had been for me a time of silence and breathing, rhythm and pulsing, getting lost, surfacing thoughts, observing the season, and approaching my Maker. It's amazing how two electric earbuds can take all that away.

Removing earbuds is an easy fix (that I shall remedy on my next run). However...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Leading in a Fog

How do I get kids to understand the kingdom of God? How do I shift their conceptions of the Christian life? These are essential questions I have been asking ever since I was hired a few months ago as a youth pastor at First CRC of Grand Haven. I’ve never actually led a youth group, but like most young people in ministry, I make up for it in eagerness, optimism, and consternation. This summer I exercised my brain, wringing it for ideas, vision and strategies. I put together all the scriptures for the whole semester so as to walk the students through the basics of the kingdom of God. I imagined students’ faith light bulbs flashing weekly with fresh revelations.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Liturgy of a Full Life

Six thirty.
Wake up, get ready, eat.
Drive thirty minutes and listen, watch, think.
Brisk walk
Engage engage engage
Think think think