
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Haikus

Fall is a party.
Having thrown their confetti,
Trees stand awkwardly


Tall macchiato,
Laptop, Bible, Snickers Bar.
Too windy outside.


Brother sent lyrics
Now putting them to music.
Discovery work.


What is my costume?...
Rachel is a Toostie Roll.
...What is my costume?


Clothes in the dryer.
Loose leaves in the street and yard.
"Air fluff" cycle: Start.


New black running shorts.
Too cold for running in shorts.
For shorts run, run short!


I walked to the lake.
Nasty! Colder than I thought.
Walked back to my car.


Knock, knock. Trick-or-treat!
I'm a ghost and what are you?
Hurricane Sandy.

1 comment:

  1. Reading my son's blog
    Multitasking preparing talk
    dad inspired by son
